We are always happy to take walk-ins, give us a call to see if we have time to tattoo you today!


How much will it cost?

The price of your tattoo will depend on how long it takes to complete the work.
The hourly rate here at ATB Tattoo Studio and Gallery is $180 and the minimum charge is $150

Producing the original artwork is included in this price. The consultation is free of charge.

How do I make an appointment?

Please fill out the contact form below.

You will need to include a description of your idea and placement of the tattoo. You can also upload any pictures you have and a photo of the area you want to put the tattoo.

We will reply to your message as soon as possible and let you know if we need to setup a consultation.

Can I see the design before the day of the appointment?

We will usually design your tattoo the night before your tattoo appointment. We find working this way helps with the creative process and allows us to focus all our effort on achieving the highest quality work on a day to day basis.

Any changes to the design can be made on the day of the tattoo. These changes might include adding or removing elements or adjusting the image slightly so it flows better with the shape of your body.

Further Questions?

If you have any un-answered questions, please feel free to ask.

Just fill out the contact form below and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Thank you.

Projects completed
99 %
Positive feedback
Pizzas ordered
$ 32
Average cost per hour